Part 46: A Good Person's Reward
A Good Person's Reward[Music: Exploration]

Well, we've got some time to kill so we'll get this stuff out of the way first. Should give us some time to relax a bit afterwards.

[Music: Dark Clouds]

[Music: JPs -Geomagnetism Research Department-]

Yamato leaves...
[Music: Exploration]

We'll need to do this sooner or later, so let's get it out of the way now.

[Music: The Enigma Deepens]

[Music: Exploration]

You say your farewells to Io and leave the area...

Now we can relax for a little bit. We COULD go ask Fumi about the Terminal right now if we wanted to, but we'll chill on the heavy thinking stuff for the time being.
Instead let's go talk to, uh, this guy.

[Music: The Anguished One]

The man disappears. Who or what could he be...?
[Music: Exploration]

That was weird, but let's go with something probably not weird. Jungo's cool. Cats are cool. Let's combine the two.
...Wait, not like th-

Jungo runs off. After some distance, he stops and turns back to look at you...

You chase after Jungo...
[Music: Silence]
You catch up with Jungo...

[Music: In The Devastated Town]

Jungo calls Otome. You can hear her voice over Jungo's phone...

Jungo stumbles through an explanation of what happened...

Jungo runs off, holding the cat as softly as he can...
[Music: Exploration]

Okay, uh, Jungo's thing got potentially depressing all of a sudden so let's just go see... Hinako...?
Yeah, Hinako.

Airi walks over...

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

You decide to walk away and leave them to their argument...
[Music: Exploration]

As nice as this invariably is going to be, it's not that useful in the here and now.

We don't really have to go to this right now but it makes the most sense to. If we don't, we're railroaded into doing it next anyway and pushing it back even once is a Bad Idea.

[Music: Countdown]

The people who had crowded around start to panic...

The mob that stole the food runs off...

Io runs off...

Daichi runs after Io...

[Music: Confrontation]

The only real "bad" part about this is having to field Daichi. The only real downside to having to field Daichi is that it does mean that we can only pick one from Jungo and Hinako and since Daichi is kind of Hinako-lite that means Jungo gets to join in. Also Daichi's still only at Fate level 1.
Well, really, it scarcely matters who we bring anyway. Daichi and Io could destroy every enemy unit here even without backup if need be.

+Stone and Grimoire + are givens. Grimoire + is an auto-skill that makes it so any ailments are more likely to connect. It doesn't stack with regular Grimoire but it does boost the chance even higher.
+Stone like all +Ailment passives lets it so every physical hit has a chance of inflicting petrification.
That "every physical hit" thing is much more useful in this case. Much like when stacking the Aid passives, this becomes insanely good when used in conjuction with Multi-Hit. Of course, Tailwind means you can potentially deal more hits which leads to a question of whether Grimoire+ or Tailwind is better to use. I prefer Grimoire+ in the long-term but at some points Tailwind is better for giving an extra hit. Once your agility gets high enough, it doesn't help with that any more.

Weaken and Battle Aura are also Auto-skills... but I chose to not take Battle Aura this time in a shocking twist. Weaken reduces the enemy team's defence by 25% which is pretty useful.
Battle Aura, meanwhile, is situational at best and in situations where it works its unnecessary. It automatically nullifies all attacks... that deal sub-50 damage. Y'know, damage so weak it barely even registers. Oh and it costs 10 MP regardless of whether or not you use its pointless effect. I really, really don't like Battle Aura so I'm skipping it for now. I'd much rather have Jungo counter more dudes more often.

Oh, and there's actually two starting points a bit higher up. You'd probably miss them, because it doesn't seem like they'd exist huh? Well, if you put anyone on the bottom two squares they'd basically be out of the fight then and there. The top two mean they can at least try and help out. Emphasis on the "try."

Io and Daichi have to start in the middle anyway. Io's hitting this guy because he's the only one on the map that has a Basilisk. He also just happens to be where +Stone and Grimore + are coming from.

...Y'know, the King is a bit behind in levels at this point. He is not, however, behind in usefulness.

Even discounting how unbelievably good Tyranny is, his damage output is still up there which is nice.

Kumbhanda yet again opted to not Assassinate, so have yet to see how good that could be. Oh and Kumbhandas are weak to Electric attacks. Io has Elec Dance.
Thor has Mazio for all the nothing that really matters.

Baldy here tried to pick a fight with Io. A bad idea the best of times, but I have to actively let him live (he has Retaliate) which is easier said than done.

Battle Aura "helps" with that. This couldn't have killed him because he resists Ice and I opted to use Mabufu to take out the Mezuki without really hurting him anyway.

So, uh, even though it really helps you not accidentally cherry tap something you didn't want dead, it wouldn't help at all if this was something actually not thrown at a resistance. On purpose, no less.

Daichi meanwhile is dealing with these guys down here. One of them has Weaken which Daichi's after in the first place.

Beyond that, he's not really interesting enough to care about though!

The other guy up by Io actually did a smart thing for once. Mostly. He used a Brutal Hit on the King, but he was already fully heealed. Might've actually killed him otherwise, but it didn't so oh well! At least this guy gets points for trying for once.

Might as well name this aresaid.png honestly. Thor's gonna be doing this a lot from now on. It's pretty nuts!

Oh and speaking of "nuts," this guy clearly is because he picked a fight with Daichi.

Pendragon might not be a critmachine, but his damage output isn't to be sneezed at either. He can keep up with the other heavy hitters juuuust fine.

Now may I remind you, there are only 2 NPCs left at this point and neither Jungo nor Hibiki have fought yet. If Io didn't have to intentionally leave one alive, there'd just be one guy trying very hard to run away.

Jungo and Hibiki are completely superfluous here. They're "helping" but in the most token sense.

...Granted, it's worth it for stuff like this. Jungo's Brutal Hits are REALLY good. And now imagine if this had been a critical.

Battle Aura don't mean shit when you can do stuff like this without ever having a chance to miss. Oh, and no, this can never not happen. Marksman costs no MP whatsoever.

And so he can do something, Hibki's taking out the last guy.

Not like it's really necessary for a fight like this one though. Hardly worth even caring about.

Plus side, however, is Pyro Jack hit level 32. Magical things happen once Pyro Jack hits level 32.
Advanced Race Skills can be gained by levelling up. High-level demons may have them. The advanced Race Skills will be stronger and have new effects.
Yeah, so, a new mechanic now is that one demon per race can have their racial skill change at set levels. Every demon ranked above that one will already have the advanced race skill by default. Every demon below it will never get the advanced race skill.

Advanced race skills are pretty good, but they aren't necessarily enough to salvage some really bad ones. Pyro Jack's Glamour hs now changed into Fairy Dust which is, uh, okay I guess. It's basically the same as before but instead of having to choose targets it now affects every party within range.

We could've actually seen some advanced race skills already but everything that's had it before now has died waaaaay before it could be used.
[Music: Exploration]

[Music: Connected Hearts]

You say your farewells to Daichi and Io and leave...
[Music: Exploration]

[Music: Silence]

I guess it's that time of day...
[Video: Yuzuru Akie]

[Music: Countdown]

[Video: End]
I think Nicaea's finally bugging out. At this point, I find it hard to believe that Joe would get taken down by a Pyro Jack. Or that Ronaldo could kill, uh, anything with a spell, least of all a new demon we haven't seen it.
[Music: Crumbling Routine]

Daichi and Io rush over...

Unlike before, we have very little leeway with rescuing Joe. Like, there's enough time for one - and exactly one - extra event before Joe will die.
The question, then, is who's the lucky person?

The other, much more important, question is...
Does Joe live or die?